Justine 62
USA, Independence

authenticity 45
USA, Severn

angi1974 50
USA, Plainfield
Profilen til Girlzonwheels
På utkikk etter
- Kjønn
- Mann
- Alder:
- 26 - 36
- Land:
- Fylke:
- —
- By:
- —
- Helsetilstand:
- Paraplegiker, Piercinger, Quadriplegiker, Rullestol, Positiv til funksjonshemmede
Om meg
Hi my name is Michelle. I have long blonde hair & blue/green eyes. I stand about 5'7 and weigh about 147. Haven't been weigh in a long time. Due to the fact I got a 350 pound wheelchair on my ass all the time. Lol. I am on here looking for girls & guys that r paralyzed to become friends with. It's nice to have someone to talk to who can relate to what I go threw on a day to day basis. Also looking for a devo men to talk to & possibly date. I'm not interested in a one night stand or hook up. I'm more than jus a booty call. Im a c-5 c-6 incomplete quadriplegic. I cant feel anything from my upper chest down. I recently had a brief realationship with a devotee. I've been in a wheelchair 5 years & never heard of such. Glad I do now. Don't get y devos don't speak up. I love knowing there r men out there that love my body for what it is & will always be. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions as ill do the same. Can't wait to hear from u :) jus so u know I'm not a devotee. I'm looking to find out more about the devotee world. Don't understand what's the big deal. Y wouldn't someone who's paralyzed want someone who will love their body for what it is & will always be. No matter how independent I become. I will always be paralyzed. A DEVOTEE IS SOMEONE WHO'S ATTRACTED TO SOMEONE WITH A DISABILITY. In my case I want someone who's not afraid of me being paralyzed. Also being a paralyzed female dosnt mean r vaginas shrivel up & fall off. Even though we may not feel. We can defintaly enjoy it. Yes we r all capable of having intercourse. I want to educate & be educated.
Om min match
I'm attracted to tall, skinny clean cut guys. Don't like facial hair unless u trim & take care of it.
- Kroppsbygning:
- Gjennomsnittlig
- Barn:
- Ingen barn
- Opprinnelsesland:
- Drikker:
- Nei
- Utdannelse:
- Noe høyskole/universitet
- Etnisitet:
- Hvit
- Øyenfarge::
- Blå
- Hårfarge:
- Blond
- Hårlengde:
- Veldig langt
- Høreegenskaper:
- Høyde:
- 170 cm
- Sivil status:
- Singel
- Yrke:
- For tiden arbeidsledig
- Religion:
- Type tegnspråk:
- Røyker:
- Regelmessig (5-10 per dag)
- Årlig inntekt: